Defense, promotion and culture of essential values

Since it was founded in Canada, New Acropolis has organized a large number of very diverse activities, all founded on the aim of awakening, cultivating, promoting and defending the fundamental values of the total human being.

“How to Eradicate Racism.
For a Fraternity Beyond All Distinctions.”
Public lecture on March 15, 1991. Montreal. Professor Jorge Angel Livraga Rizzi, the founder and first international director of the IONA.

- “The International Organization New Acropolis and the Challenges of Intercultural Relations: 36 Years of Experience in the World.” Public lecture on October 11, 1993. Montreal. Ms. Delia Steinberg Guzman, International Director of the IONA.
- “Contribution to the Year of Tolerance” (1995)
- “Contribution to Intercultural Understanding: Islam” (1995)
- “Commemoration of the 50th Anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights” (1998)


- “Culture and Development: Fighting POVERTY - The Keys to a More Humane World” (1997, 1998)
- “Entering the 3rd Millennium - Towards a New and Better World - Fraternity, Dignity, Justice, Respect for Nature, Generosity” (1999)
- Promotion of Tolerance and Concord, “Day of United Cultures - Uniting Cultures in 40 Countries” (1996, 1998)

On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, series of activities, exhibits, lectures, debates, publication of a web site.
Publication a special book promoting the fundamental values of concord, respect, altruism, openness to others, generosity, etc.

- Contribution to the development of intercultural concord and a bringing together of peoples: design and programming of a series of exhibits accompanied by related lectures and shows (1994 - 2007)

- “World Philosophy Day” (2005, 2007). Activities in all Canadian centres and at various other institutions. Design and publication of a special web site:



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