News Release

November 17, 2005

An invitation to celebrate World Philosophy Day with UNESCO!

UNESCO invites the whole world to celebrate the first World Philosophy Day by organizing "activities and debates on philosophical issues."

In Montreal, New Acropolis, a School of Philosophy in the Classical Tradition, is responding to this call by inviting the community to celebrate philosophy's essential role in the life of the individual and society.

For UNESCO, philosophy, which "gives meaning to life and action," [...] "reaches to the limits of human knowledge and all human activity."

For New Acropolis, philosophy is not just one discipline among many, but a global attitude toward research and an awakening of the human being to all fields of study and events around the world.

The primary focus of philosophy is an irrepressible, lucid attraction to the discovery and application of "sophia," or wisdom. This wisdom, which is never confined within a specific system, doctrine, being, thing, location or time, can be revealed at any time, anywhere and through all that exists.

New Acropolis Canada is therefore responding to UNESCO's call by offering a program of activities that will enable the citizens of Montreal to rediscover philosophy where it is best expressed: in daily life and through everything experienced by the individual and human society.

See the program :

Contact: Denis (514) 232 3414

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