with Plato, Buddha,
Confucius, Marcus Aurelius…

 on Life – Beauty – The  Universe

Purpose – Serenity – Justice  and  much more …
Philosophical capsules and discussions


An invitation to celebrate World Philosophy Day with UNESCO!

in Toronto

Date/Time: Saturday, November 25th,  6 pm
Tickets: $15/$12 for seniors and students
Venue: Toronto Reference Library
789 Yonge St. (at Bloor St.)
Beeton West Auditorium
Contact: Françoise Soria, Director
Phone: 416-486 -7198
Email: toronto@newacropolis.ca

in Ottawa

Date/Time: Saturday, November 25th,  6:30 pm
Tickets: $15/$12 for seniors and students
Venue: 596 MacLaren Street
Contact: Céline Bouchard, Director
Phone: 613-565-3769
Email: ottawa@newacropolis.ca
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