News Release


Third UNESCO World Philosophy Day Comes to Ottawa

Saturday, December 1, 2007, from 6 to 9 p.m.
Crichton Cultural Community Centre

UNESCO established World Philosophy Day to foster independent thought and dialogue through enlightened philosophical reflection. With its report Philosophy: A School of Freedom, released in October 2007, UNESCO confirms that "by training free, reflective minds capable of resisting various forms of propaganda, fanaticism, exclusion and intolerance, philosophical education contributes to peace and prepares everyone to shoulder responsibilities in face of the great challenges of the contemporary world."
To mark the third UNESCO World Philosophy Day, New Acropolis Ottawa, a local branch of the International Organization New Acropolis, will be organizing an exhibit, talk and video presentation on philosophy as a person-centered training accessible to anyone looking to better understand themselves and the world in which we live.

As the Dalai Lama indicated during his recent talk in Ottawa, we can establish peace in our own lives and with those around us through the process of inner disarmament. New Acropolis' person-centered practice of philosophy consists of progressively disarming our inner conflicts, transforming them into harmonized strengths so that we can express ourselves with more authenticity and lead a better life.

Our event will be held at the Crichton Cultural Community Centre on Saturday, December 1, 2007, from 6 to 9 p.m.
The centre is located at 200 Crichton (entrance around the back at 13 Avon Lane. Parking available on the street).
Mapquest locator

For more information visit our website or, to make a reservation, call (613) 265-7904 or email

Jennifer Bondy
Public Relations Officer
New Acropolis Ottawa
(613) 265-7904



New Acropolis Toronto is proud to invite you
to celebrate the third 
World Philosophy Day!

Come and enjoy a sampling of Philosophy, Culture, Art and much more!
Saturday, November 17th, 2007
Toronto Reference Library - Beeton West Auditorium
789 Yonge Street (north of Yonge/Bloor subway)
Activities start at 3:00 p.m.
Open Forum until 8:00 p.m.!
Admission $10 regular / $5 students
While UNESCO recognizes and promotes the rebirth of philosophy as a necessary component of our modern culture, New Acropolis has been demonstrating that philosophy is fundamentally practical and relevant to the concerns, needs and aspirations of humanity today.
We invite you to a philosophical afternoon for reflection, sharing, and inspiration! Our presentations and discussions will include:
Justice and Plato's Allegory of the Cave - How can we find our Ideal of life?
Ethical Volunteerism - Can we shape a new and better world?
Tribute to Rumi - a mystical philosopher promoting universal fraternity, dialogue, and tolerance.
Courage and the heroic spirit; human values and the path to Happiness.
Also for your philosophical pleasure, there will be: A Café, Archeological and Artistic Gifts, Chinese Calligraphy, Philosophical Games, and Friendly Philosophers!
Please come and enjoy mini-talks, discussions, and videos that will demonstrate that Philosophy is more than what you think ... and discover how philosophy can change your world!
"Since wars begin in the minds of men, it is in the minds of men that the defences of peace must be constructed." - Preamble to UNESCO's Constitution.

Call 416-486-7198 for more information.
We look forward to seeing you next Saturday!
Lorinda Crawford
Communications Department
New Acropolis Toronto


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