New Acropolis Canada invites you to celebrate together the third UNESCO World Philosophy Day…

…along with the 50th anniversary of the International Organization New Acropolis (IONA)

To celebrate the third World Philosophy Day (*1), UNESCO invites us to reflect on the conditions for “a universal dialogue” by opening up to the diversity of “philosophical currents and traditions.” (*2)

Since 1957, the IONA has promoted an awakening to a global vision through the comparative study of Philosophies, Sciences, Religions and Arts in order to further unite men and women of all creeds, races and social conditions around an ideal of universal fraternity. (*3)

This convergence (*4) between the aims of the third UNESCO World Philosophy Day and the experience acquired by the IONA during 50 years of reflection and action in many countries around the world motivates New Acropolis Canada to combine the celebration of World Philosophy Day 2007 with the celebration of the 50th anniversary of the IONA. (*5)

As for every World Philosophy Day (*6), New Acropolis Canada invites you to participate in various activities programmed for this occasion in Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal.


(*1) UNESCO launched Philosophy Day in 2002 “in order to promote fora and public spaces all over the world to celebrate philosophical reflection.” The 33rd session of the UNESCO General Conference (October 2005) accepted a proposal submitted by the Kingdom of Morocco to proclaim this Day as World Philosophy Day. Thus, at its fourth celebration in 2005, Philosophy Day became known as World Philosophy Day. In 2007, we are marking the third World Philosophy Day.

(*2) Message from the Director General of UNESCO on the occasion of World Philosophy Day on 15 November 2007:

(*3) Principles and ultimate aims of the IONA outlined in its International Charter.

(*4) For other major convergences, see

(*5) See the resolution of the General Assembly of the IONA, adopted at its 2007 annual meeting in Brussels:

(*6) See and


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